¦ verb
1. move or travel behind.
go after (someone) in order to observe or monitor them.
go along (a route or path).
2. come after in time or order.
(also follow on from) occur as a consequence or result of.
3. be a logical consequence: it thus follows that the value must be negative.
4. act according to (an instruction or precept).
act according to the lead or example of.
5. pay close attention to the movement, course, or progress of.
be a supporter or fan of.
6. understand the meaning of: I still don't follow you.
7. practise (a trade or profession).
undertake or carry out (a course of action or study).
8. archaic strive after; aim at: I follow fame.
follow one's nose
1. trust to one's instincts.
2. go straight ahead.
follow suit
1. conform to another's actions.
2. (in bridge, whist, and other card games) play a card of the suit led.
Phrasal verbs
follow on (of a cricket team) be required to bat again immediately after failing to reach a certain score in their first innings.
follow through (in sport) continue the movement of a stroke after the ball has been struck.
follow something through continue an action or task to its conclusion.
follow something up pursue or investigate something further.
OE folgian, of Gmc origin.